
How Much Does It Cost to Break a Contract with Dish Network

If you`re thinking about cancelling your contract with Dish Network, it`s important to know ahead of time that there will be a fee. While it`s never ideal to break a contract, unforeseen circumstances may require that you do so. In this article, we`ll explore the cost of terminating your Dish Network contract and what you need to know before making the decision.

Dish Network`s Early Termination Fees

Dish Network charges an early termination fee (ETF) if you cancel your contract before the end of the agreed-upon term. The amount of the fee depends on how long you`ve been with the company and which contract you have. There are two types of contracts that Dish Network offers: a two-year contract and a month-to-month contract.

For the two-year contract, the ETF is $20 per month remaining on the contract. So, if you have six months left on your contract, the ETF would be $120. For the month-to-month contract, the ETF is $15.

It`s important to note that these fees are in addition to any other fees or charges you may incur, such as charges for unreturned equipment or unpaid bills.

Avoiding Early Termination Fees

If you`re looking to avoid early termination fees altogether, there are a few options you can consider. One option is to transfer the service to someone else. If you know someone who wants Dish Network service, you can transfer the account to them and avoid the ETF. Another option is to negotiate with Dish Network to lower or waive the fee. While this isn`t always possible, it`s worth a try.

Final Thoughts

Breaking a contract with Dish Network will come with a cost. However, if you carefully consider your reasons for cancelling and explore all of your options, you can minimize that cost. Remember to review your contract and check for any other fees or charges that may apply. By doing so, you`ll be better prepared to make an informed decision about cancelling your service.